Posted in General
National Healthcare Decisions Day, a day devoted to educating the public about the importance of advance care planning, is April 16. At HHHC, we often stress the importance of planning ahead for future health care decisions, but this day is a good time to remind everyone to make their future health care wishes known.
The past couple years has made it abundantly clear that there are no guarantees when it comes to our health. In fact, we often take our health for granted until it declines, or until something happens to a family member or friend that forces us to consider our own situation. Because of this, it is vital that everyone 18 years of age or older appoint a person (or people) who knows them well and can make health decisions for them if necessary. Let’s face it, if there’s an emergency, you likely won’t know the doctors (or nurses) treating you and you could easily be disoriented, in a state of shock, or not conscious to make decisions. Naming a health care agent or proxy is the best way to ensure that health care professionals have access to the information they need to take care of you. You can have peace of mind that you will get the medical treatments you want, that are consistent with your goals and values – and avoid those that you don’t want.
The Conversation Project has a great Conversation Starter Guide to help you get started. Click the link to learn more about steps to take and encourage your loved ones to do the same – you’re giving them a gift they’ll appreciate for a lifetime.